Parent-Teacher Relationships

More Opportunities to Meet with the Board

The Board of Trustees must be more accessible to the community.  In addition to regular board meetings, we must give parents more opportunities to share their accolades and challenges with Plano ISD either one on one or in small groups with the aim of better understanding the current gaps they see in Plano ISD.

Partner with PTAs

Board members need to be more present in PTA meetings.  PTAs often have excellent solutions to challenges that cant always be met by the ISD.  Working closely with the Council of PTAs and with the individual PTAs to formalize best practices and potentially try innovative new strategies to improve outcomes will engender a more positive relationship between Parents and the Administration.

Be More Transparent with the Goals of Plano ISD

All parents want to see their child do well in school.  We must provide transparent measurable goals so parents understand that our focus is student achievement first and foremost for all students.